Ashley Witucki

Ashley Witucki - Internet Marketing – Social Media & PPC

Account Management & Social Media

My Role at OCG Creative

Ashley Witucki - Account Manager & Social MediaI started at OCG around this time last year working as an Internet Marketing & Social Media Account Manager. During this time, I was assisting my clients create social media platforms that mirrored their company’s mission and goals. I helped conceive aesthetically pleasing posts and digital collateral that draw potential customers for my clients in through social platforms. I then guide my clients to build relationships with those potential customers through engagement and ensure that their needs are being met.

Examples of social platforms I run are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and YouTube if needed. Social media content creation is hands down my favorite part. I love having the freedom to think outside the box and create something I know my client will love and so will their followers. Along with posting, I am also actively maintaining and keeping track of all my client accounts’ insights. This includes the audience reach, how many followers were gained in a week, how many people viewed an Instagram story or viewed my clients profile, etc.

More recently, along with managing social media platforms and content creation, I have slowly transitioned into taking on another role here at OCG. My current role is Internet Marketing/Account Management. Being in this position gives me the opportunity to work with clients face to face (but in this case over Zoom lol). My duties vary on a day-to-day basis. For example, some days I will be focusing on website content creation for a client, or I am working with my team on SEO, which entails tracking keywords and improving their rankings so they’re more visible in searches. I am also in charge of putting my creativity towards blog ideas and assigning these topics out to my team. Having the opportunity to take on this new role has taught me a new form of responsibility and time management. I love being able to make a clients vision come to life!

Why I Got Into Digital Marketing

I graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a B.A. in Journalism with an emphasis in Strategic Communications and a minor in Business Administration. I decided to get into the digital marketing profession because I am as passionate about helping companies develop strong brands as I am about puppies. Growing up I always had an eye for design and once tied in with my love for social media, the career path for me was obvious.

The Most Rewarding Part of My Job

The most rewarding part of my job is being able to work with my clients and watch them not only meet the goals we talk about in the initial stages of working together, but to exceed those goals. I ensure that in every step of the process, my clients interests come first and then create content that aligns with their mission statement. Being able to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with my clients is what gets me out of bed every morning, and I could not be happier with the path that I have chosen.

My Goal for OCG Creative

Ashley Witucki - Social Media & Account ManagerMy goal for OCG is to help grow the company by creating partnerships with not only members of the Reno community, but I believe we have the talent to work with nationally known brands. As a small company, we are able to treat each client with such care and attention to detail that I know we could do the same with even larger accounts. I know that with the expertise myself and my coworkers bring to the table, OCG will become a nationally recognized digital company.

The “Next Big Thing” in Digital Marketing

I think the “next big thing” in our industry is going to be the use of online events. Since this pandemic, the events industry won’t be completely open again until at least 2022. I think streaming platforms for concerts, booking tours, weddings, graduations, etc. The list could go on forever. It is becoming apparent already that Zoom has become a popular platform during this unprecedented time and it is a great way to keep in touch and communicate effectively!

Outside of OCG Creative

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my friends, watching sports (SKO BILLS!!) and visiting my family when the opportunity is presented. Since I have lived in Reno the past 4 years, I am constantly making trips up to Donner Lake in Truckee or down in Lake Tahoe. It is just breathtaking! I thrifting, I could spend hours looking around for cute little vintage items. Aside from shopping, I like to take time after a busy day to do some yoga and journal and just unwind.

My Favorite Type of Client

My favorite type of client is one that is engaged in every step of the process and open for feedback. I always have my client’s best interest in mind and being able to work with client’s that are open-minded and up to trying something new is always an exciting experience. I believe the relationship between a client and their account manager is an extremely important one and a degree of trust is necessary since a company is essentially putting their brand into your hands. I enjoy being able to foster a collaborative environment with my clients and the best feeling is working together to meet and exceed a common goal.